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About the Founder

Nicky Chavers was an exceptionally gifted preacher, musician, teacher, and dramatist. As a boy, he was discovered for having an unusual boy soprano voice and was given two television shows by the time he was 9 years old. Though Nicky was very talented, his mother cared more about his character and he always credited his rejection of fame and fortune and his choosing to follow Christ with his gifts to her and her godly influence.
Nicky’s talents in the arts became more apparent as he grew, but when his mother pulled him from a large school and sent him to a small Christian school at the beginning of the Christian school movement, the resources then available to him as a developing actor and communicator were limited. This planted a desire in Nicky’s heart to be used of God in the future to provide better resources for Christians in the arts someday.
Nicky continued to seek out further education and went on to receive a Bachelor's degree in Bible, Music, and Drama, as well as a Masters Degree in both Music and Theatre. After completing school, Nicky continued to feel the burden to establish a place where powerful Christian communicators could be trained and sent out to schools and churches to fill the void that he himself had experienced as a boy. Knowing that communication was vital to the great commission, Nicky desired to make the Bible come to life for people using the gifts God had given Him. So in 1971, Nicky and his wife Sheri stepped out in faith to begin The Academy of Arts Ministry. Nicky soon saw the other great need that existed in the Christian community, the need for Christian resources that were not only Biblically sound but artistically excellent. This growing need prompted him to take another leap of faith and begin NC Publications, now known as Nicky Chavers Publications.
Nicky and his wife Sheri dedicated their lives to producing sacred music, biblical scripts, musicals for adults and children, and so much more through their publishing company.
It was Nicky’s prayer to God that his well of creativity would never run dry, and in his 78 years of life, it never did. Every time he dipped his quill into the well, new creative ideas would come. Upon realizing this fact he shared it with his wife Sheri, who had a profound answer for his success. “There is a reason the well isn’t running dry Nicky.” she said. “It’s because it isn’t your well, it’s God’s.” Her words rang true and Nicky knew from thatmoment on that he would have the creativity he needed for the tasks God had called him to do. It was indeed the servants' quill, but it was the Master’s well!
Nicky dedicated his life to preaching the Word through script and song. He also spent his life training, and discipling young people in the field of communication, leaving an indelible mark on countless lives who are now equipped to serve their Lord in dynamic ways because of Nicky’s training and leadership. It is our prayer that this site will become as much of a cherished and helpful resource for you and your ministries, as it has been for us here at The Academy of Arts Ministries.